Seven Books

In the latest edition of the Seven Years Seven Books collection, things from the past week are reflected, diverting them to the one to come, like a mirror in the hands of a joker projects the rays of someone passing by, blinding the occasional passer-by for a moment, dazzled.

The collection of photos, by Gabriel Orlando, is an album that reproduces the movement of the Seven Years Seven Pieces project, reconstituting scenes and backstage scenes from each of the plays performed since 2016. Flipping through the pages is done with the help of a special glossary which, by linking terms and concepts, helps to decipher the mystery of what happened in the past. As a supplement, there are five conversations moderated by Catarina Pires and Raquel Lima, held on five evenings after each show, under the sign of five particular forms: the art of competition, the art of innocence, the art of the end, the art of difference and the art of escape.

Seven Books

In the latest edition of the Seven Years Seven Books collection, things from the past week are reflected, diverting them to the one to come, like a mirror in the hands of a joker projects the rays of someone passing by, blinding the occasional passer-by for a moment, dazzled.

The collection of photos, by Gabriel Orlando, is an album that reproduces the movement of the Seven Years Seven Pieces project, reconstituting scenes and backstage scenes from each of the plays performed since 2016. Flipping through the pages is done with the help of a special glossary which, by linking terms and concepts, helps to decipher the mystery of what happened in the past. As a supplement, there are five conversations moderated by Catarina Pires and Raquel Lima, held on five evenings after each show, under the sign of five particular forms: the art of competition, the art of innocence, the art of the end, the art of difference and the art of escape.

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