Wednesday: The Time of The Cherries
The set is a huge hole in the middle of slabs of laminated plaster, as if a gigantic iron ball had fallen there. By building the scenic space with the same material used in thousands of Portuguese houses, as a way to start deconstructing, Cláudia Dias and Igor Gandra draw a direct connection to everything that is swept under the western rug. Even though the air bombings carried out by European military forces can be easily seen today on the internet and on TV, the connection between our homes and the craters opened by missiles on the other side of the world is not that visible. That black hole alludes to that cause and effect relationship yet to be clarified. It is not just about showing the responsibility of European social democracies in the massacres that are taking place today in the rest of the world. The black eye in the middle of the ground is a bad sign that reveals to us what is still to be done.
Artistic Director Cláudia Dias
Guest Artist Igor Gandra
Performers Cláudia Dias e Igor Gandra
Artistic and Technical Assistant Karas
Set and puppets Igor Gandra e Cláudia Dias
Plastic realization Eduardo Mendes
Construction Workshop Igor Gandra, Cláudia Dias, Karas, Eduardo Mendes, Daniela Gomes e Nádia Soares
Light Design and Technical Direction Nuno Borda de Água
Critical Accompaniment Jorge Louraço Figueira
Production Management Lina Duarte
Co-production Maria Matos Teatro Municipal, Teatro Municipal do Porto, Centro Cultural Vila Flor Residências Artísticas Teatro Municipal do Porto, Teatro de Ferro, Companhia de Dança de Almada, Centro de Experimentação Artística do Vale da Amoreira
Wednesday: The Time of The Cherries
The set is a huge hole in the middle of slabs of laminated plaster, as if a gigantic iron ball had fallen there. By building the scenic space with the same material used in thousands of Portuguese houses, as a way to start deconstructing, Cláudia Dias and Igor Gandra draw a direct connection to everything that is swept under the western rug. Even though the air bombings carried out by European military forces can be easily seen today on the internet and on TV, the connection between our homes and the craters opened by missiles on the other side of the world is not that visible. That black hole alludes to that cause and effect relationship yet to be clarified. It is not just about showing the responsibility of European social democracies in the massacres that are taking place today in the rest of the world. The black eye in the middle of the ground is a bad sign that reveals to us what is still to be done.

Artistic Director Cláudia Dias
Guest Artist Igor Gandra
Performers Cláudia Dias e Igor Gandra
Artistic and Technical Assistant Karas
Set and puppets Igor Gandra e Cláudia Dias
Plastic realization Eduardo Mendes
Construction Workshop Igor Gandra, Cláudia Dias, Karas, Eduardo Mendes, Daniela Gomes e Nádia Soares
Light Design and Technical Direction Nuno Borda de Água
Critical Accompaniment Jorge Louraço Figueira
Production Management Lina Duarte
Co-production Maria Matos Teatro Municipal, Teatro Municipal do Porto, Centro Cultural Vila Flor Residências Artísticas Teatro Municipal do Porto, Teatro de Ferro, Companhia de Dança de Almada, Centro de Experimentação Artística do Vale da Amoreira
Circulation / Wednesday: The Time of The Cherries
Festival Y - Cine-teatro Avenida (Castelo Branco, Portugal)
Centro Cultural Vila Flor (Guimarães, Portugal)
S. Luiz Teatro Municipal (Lisboa, Portugal)
Teatro Municipal Maria Matos (Lisboa, Portugal)
FIMP - Teatro do Campo Alegre (Porto, Portugal)
Teatro Municipal do Porto (Porto, Portugal)
Teatro Virgínia (Torres Novas, Portugal)