“From a supermarket carrier bag, products such as tissues, matches, cigarettes, tampons and sweets emerge. Products that we use freely every day without a second thought. They are a kind of second skin, more immediate garments than dresses, shoes or trousers. Products that are in fact destined to come into intimate contact with our skin and even to maintain a certain look and composure.
This is why their role in the game should not be minimised. This tragic performance brought onto the stage in a plastic bag tells us clearly that all of the products we use, from the most interesting to the most ordinary, contribute to the biography of the body – a product and a producer of landscapes, discourses and hierarchies separating North from South, adults from children, women from men and the living from the dead. Landscapes and discourses that identify this side in order to contrast it with that side.”
Paula Caspão
Guided visit
Conception and text: Cláudia Dias
Scenic space and lights: Walter Lauterer
Music: “discombobulating” de Arnold Haberl
Sound design: André Pires
Artistic accompaniment: João Fiadeiro, Olga Mesa e João Queiroz
Acting: Cláudia Dias (2003/2023) and Maya de Albuquerque (2023)
Technical Director: Nuno Borda D’Água
Support: Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier – Languedoc Roussillon, no âmbito do programme Hors-Série, Fórum Dança e Companhia Teatral do Chiado.
Acknowledgments: Anne Fontanesi e toda a equipa do Centro Coreográfico de Montpellier e Márcia Lança pela sua colaboração na fase embrionária do espectáculo.
Show commissioned, produced and broadcast by RE.AL during the period in which Cláudia Dias was an associate artist (2003 / 2009).
It was part of the program Dança não dança – arqueologias da Nova Dança in Portugal, curated by João dos Santos Martins, Ana Bigotte Vieira, Carlos Manuel Oliveira and Ana Dinger, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, in 2023.
Guided visit
“From a supermarket carrier bag, products such as tissues, matches, cigarettes, tampons and sweets emerge. Products that we use freely every day without a second thought. They are a kind of second skin, more immediate garments than dresses, shoes or trousers. Products that are in fact destined to come into intimate contact with our skin and even to maintain a certain look and composure.
This is why their role in the game should not be minimised. This tragic performance brought onto the stage in a plastic bag tells us clearly that all of the products we use, from the most interesting to the most ordinary, contribute to the biography of the body – a product and a producer of landscapes, discourses and hierarchies separating North from South, adults from children, women from men and the living from the dead. Landscapes and discourses that identify this side in order to contrast it with that side.”
Paula Caspão

Conception and text: Cláudia Dias
Scenic space and lights: Walter Lauterer
Music: “discombobulating” de Arnold Haberl
Sound design: André Pires
Artistic accompaniment: João Fiadeiro, Olga Mesa e João Queiroz
Acting: Cláudia Dias (2003/2023) and Maya de Albuquerque (2023)
Technical Director: Nuno Borda D’Água
Support: Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier – Languedoc Roussillon, no âmbito do programme Hors-Série, Fórum Dança e Companhia Teatral do Chiado.
Acknowledgments: Anne Fontanesi e toda a equipa do Centro Coreográfico de Montpellier e Márcia Lança pela sua colaboração na fase embrionária do espectáculo.
Show commissioned, produced and broadcast by RE.AL during the period in which Cláudia Dias was an associate artist (2003 / 2009).
It was part of the program Dança não dança – arqueologias da Nova Dança in Portugal, curated by João dos Santos Martins, Ana Bigotte Vieira, Carlos Manuel Oliveira and Ana Dinger, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, in 2023.