SEVEN YEARS SEVEN SCHOOLS is a cultural, artistic and pedagogical initiative designed for public schools.
Our aim is to foster participatory citizenship among young people through artistic practices: we combat school dropout, promote a positive and affective connection to school and equip students with tools for contemporary creation and critical thinking.
We cover different activities in different spaces and territories, involving students, teachers, artists, producers, sociologists and workers from local authorities and cultural organisations.
We started in 2016 in the city of Almada. Through the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's PARTIS programme and the BPI La Caixa Prize, we subsequently extended our action to the city of Porto. We are currently at the Dr José Afonso and Manuel Cargaleiro schools, in a project promoted by the Seixal Municipality, as part of Communities in Action - Integrated Metropolitan Operations, supported by the PRR - Recovery and Resilience Plan and the Next Generation EU European Funds.

seven years
seven schools
SEVEN YEARS SEVEN SCHOOLS is a cultural, artistic and pedagogical initiative designed for public schools.
Our aim is to foster participatory citizenship among young people through artistic practices: we combat school dropout, promote a positive and affective connection to school and equip students with tools for contemporary creation and critical thinking.
We cover different activities in different spaces and territories, involving students, teachers, artists, producers, sociologists and workers from local authorities and cultural organisations.
We started in 2016 in the city of Almada. Through the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's PARTIS programme and the BPI La Caixa Prize, we subsequently extended our action to the city of Porto. We are currently at the Dr José Afonso and Manuel Cargaleiro schools, in a project promoted by the Seixal Municipality, as part of Communities in Action - Integrated Metropolitan Operations, supported by the PRR - Recovery and Resilience Plan and the Next Generation EU European Funds.
We cover different activities in different spaces and territories, involving students, teachers, artists, producers, sociologists and workers from local authorities and cultural organisations.
We started in 2016 in the city of Almada. Through the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's PARTIS programme and the BPI La Caixa Prize, we subsequently extended our action to the city of Porto. We are currently at the Dr José Afonso and Manuel Cargaleiro schools, in a project promoted by the Seixal Municipality, as part of Communities in Action - Integrated Metropolitan Operations, supported by the PRR - Recovery and Resilience Plan and the Next Generation EU European Funds.